This week was fully dedicated to Hard Rock TBMs and some site organisation concepts concerning the miscellaneous systems to be taken into consideration for a mechanised tunnelling jobsite.
Mr. Brian Khalighi (Robbins, Engineering Vice President), held a fantastic lecture on Hard Rock TBMs coming from one of the most pioneering companies in the field. He went through the evolution of the technology applied to excavate this type of ground from the days of the foundation of the Robbins company until the last case studies in the most challenging conditions. He introduced as well the main features of Open Shield, Single Shield and Double Shield Machines, treating paramount aspects such as:
- performance,
- cutterhead and cutting tools,
- ground improvement,
- backup systems,
- muck removal and
- long distance tunnels considerations.
Brian Khalighi and the students after his lecture on Hard rock TBMs |
To close with this week Dr. Massimo Concilia (Pizzarotti), held a very interesting two day course on how to choose or adapt already owned TBMs for Hard Rock conditions from his wide experience in the construction field of mechanised tunnelling. Based on some key cases he pointed out the most important factors to be considered while driving TBM tunnels and remarked the importance of a tailor-made precise solution to avoid some of the worst consequences to happen during the project. In addition he discussed about the jobsite planning and organisation in terms of logistics to enhance the productivity and reduce as much as possible the interferences and downtimes.
Excerpt from Massimo Concilia lecture on Hard Rock TBMs design |
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